Benessair Health
If you have any questions regarding preparation and needs for various treatments you may contact us at anytime 480.479.4951.
How is Benessair different from other clinics?
Are your doctors Board Certified?
How do pre-paid packages work?
No need to keep track of a drawerful of punch cards with our pre-paid packages. When you pre-pay for a package of 9 treatments, you receive a credit redeemable for a 10th treatment available upon completion of your 9th treatment. For convenience, we pre-load this 10th treatment into your account at the time of purchase. If you refund any portion of this pre-paid package, we omit the 10th complementary treatment from the refund as it has no standalone value.
Do you take insurance?
Personal Training
What should I eat before a workout?
What should I do first– cardio or weights?
What should I eat after a workout?
What is the best diet for weight loss?
IV Therapy
Do I need to make an appointment?
Can just anyone get an IV drip?
How do I prepare for an infusion Therapy Session?
How long does it take to get an IV infusion of vitamins?
What problems respond to IV vitamin infusions?
Medical Concierge
Is a medical concierge just a doctor that takes cash?
Can I really call my medical concierge 24 hours a day or will I just get an answering service?
I am super healthy so I’m not sure what value I would get out of having a medical concierge physician?
I never use a primary care physician, I just go to the specialist that I need. How would this be different?
Hyperbaric Oxygen
How does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy work?
What is the difference between a hard hyperbaric chamber and a soft chamber?
How will I occupy my time during treatment?
What are some things that hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help?
Cerebral Palsy
Lyme Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Near Drowning
Recovery from Plastic Surgery
Sports Injuries
Traumatic Brain Injury
What should I expect to feel during a hyperbaric treatment?
How do I prepare for hyperbaric treatment?
Like going to an airport, there are certain items that you are not allowed to bring with you on a plane. As far as a hyperbaric chamber is concerned, we will not let you bring in cigarettes, matches, lighters, perfumes, make-up, hearing aids, wigs, wear contact lenses, or bring in electronic devices (such as your cell phone). Most items are excluded for safety reasons.
How long will my session take?
Photobiomodulation (PBM)
What is Photobiomodulation (PBM)?
Are there side effects to using PBM?
How long is a treatment?
What will PBM do for me?
Why would I need or want PBM?
For inflammation PBM causes the smaller arteries and lymph vessels of the body to increase in size, which is called vasodilation. This allows inflammation and swelling to be cleared away more effectively. Vasodilation in lymph nodes promotes lymphatic drainage, which aids in the healing process. PBM can improve the pro-inflammatory cellular response factors and increase the anti-inflammatory response.
For relief from pain. Before using PBM to treat acute or chronic pain, a provider must diagnose the condition to confirm that the pain is from a neuromusculoskeletal condition caused by aging or injury and that there is no disqualifying condition or contraindication for laser use.
Other applications include all types of sports injuries, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, neuropathy, arthritis pain, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, gout, carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff injuries, degenerative spinal stenosis/sciatica, wounds and dermal ulcers secondary to compression/trauma, atherosclerosis, diabetes or dermatological conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, burns or acne.
Is it healthy for me to stay on a “Keto” diet for the long haul?
Is it okay to eat carbs?
Is there a “right” amount of water to drink every day?
Ex: 160# ‘/. 2 = 80. That’s how many ounces of water you should drink in a day, for starters! You’ll need more if you are working out, hiking, or out in hot weather.